Desakajo's Flo is that place where you can get your life on track. We offer spiritual trauma-informed counseling and coaching, book publishing, record producing, credit empowerment, travel coordination, and professional legal coverage. Rev. Dr. A'Shellarien is the CEO. She is the face of the Be A Lady and A Legend Brand which includes her makeup and clothing line. Purchase her books, join her Empowered To Be Great Community where you will find courses and exclusive content. Book a confidential session with her.

Let us help you take your life back.

Women & Trauma: It's Okay Not To Be Okay

Sunday, March 24, 2024 @ 7PM EST $21

Trauma has impacted our lives in way that we have yet to understand. How we manage our trauma determines our success. This webinar is designed for women as they struggle with dealing with the trauma in their lives. Some trauma is so overwhelming that we feel like we cannot breathe. IAs we deal with the trauma in our lives healing begins. Let me help you begin your healing journey. 

Legal Advice, Consultation, Representation For Less Than $1 A Day............ I Would Rather Have a Lawyer And Not Need A Lawyer Than Need A Lawyer And Not Have A Lawyer

Credit Empowerment Will Change Your Life.....

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